Isn’t hearing loss just a natural part of aging?
Age is the most prominent predictor for people 20 to 69 years old, per the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, but an estimated 2 to 3 of every 1,000 U.S. kids enter the world with a detectable hearing problem. Plus, hearing damage from excess noise affects both youth and adults on a global scale.
What’s the best way to prevent hearing loss?
Hearing loss has many causes — genetics, head injury, medication, ear infection, and more — so there’s no single best way to avoid it. High-decibel noise is one of the most common and preventable sources, however, making it important to limit exposure and use hearing protection. Regular hearing checkups also support prevention.
Is that ringing in my ears real?
The ringing or buzzing in your ears or head may be tinnitus, which often goes hand in hand with hearing loss. Usually the ringing or other sound can only be heard by the affected person. There isn’t yet a cure for tinnitus, but hearing technology and other treatments can help successfully manage it.
How can I improve my hearing health?
Scheduling a comprehensive hearing evaluation is the first step to getting a clear picture of your hearing and ear health, understanding your specific listening challenges, and personalizing a better-hearing solution for your individual needs. Our experienced, caring team can help with that!